The "Spirit Lands" series follows the story of Princess Wysteria, destined princess of the Spirit Realm.
Wysteria awakens for the very first time under the sacred wisteria pine, and finds that the spirits have been waiting for her. She crosses the waters, and meets her realm.
The Spirit Realm is blanketed in rosy light, and full of wonders. Flittering spirits, ancient castles, a dangerous flower, and a mysterious shrine await our young princess.
This story is ongoing, more paintings to come ♥

"Wysteria Awakens" digital, 2023

"Hidden Tower" digital, 2023

"Between Realms" digital, 2023

"Spirit Lands: River" digital, 2023

"Spirit Lands: Meadow" digital, 2023

"Wysteria's Castle" digital, 2023

"Three Sisters" digital, 2023

"Grimrose Gorge" digital, 2023